In the process of making briquette charcoal consists of the process of crushing, mixing and pressing charcoal briquettes. In the process, most of small industries engaged in the manufacture of husk charcoal briquettes are constrained in the pressing process. This is because the tool used is still simple. Based on that, it was needeed to designed a better and affordable briquette pressing machine. The results of field studies at CV. Roda Banting shows that the briquette molding equipment used today uses electricity and requires high operational costs and maintenance costs. So the cost of the burden borne is quite high. This research aims to design briquette printing devices that can be used in home industries and have a more affordable price than similar products. The method used is the DFA (Design for Assembly) method, namely component design by considering how a product will be assembled to ensure that assembly costs are minimized. Data collection is done by direct interview with the respondents are employees and consumers of the briquette business. Research also uses Microsoft office visio software in data processing. From this research, the final result is that a briquette printer is designed to be given additional functions, such as giving a protector in every briquette printer that might cause work accidents and the price of briquette printer that has been designed is less than 10 million.
Keywords: Briquette Printing, Design For assembly, Assembly Cost of Briquette Tools.
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