The company`s needing for suitable tools with ergonomic aspects is very necessary on supporting the production process activities, so that the operator at their working do not have a complaint when using a tools, In this research is making tools for a breads production there was made which designed with various considerations. It`s be observed from the dimensions of the shape, size, use of material, cost and quality, it uses a value engineering approach.The application of value engineering is carried out by the stages of information, creative, analysis, development and recommendations.By using value engineering applications that are applied todesign of a bread production tools.The alternatives are made based on the development of ideas, required criteria and weaknesses of the previous product, predetermined criteria, based on prioritizing criteria with the design feasibility matrix having a higher importance of 18.53%.For the criteria weighting analysis with the feasibility matrix, alternative II was chosen with a total of 276 for the next analysis selection. Weighting criteria on alternative modification uses pairwise comparison method with the result of consistency ratio (CR) 0.0953.Based on the analysis, the alternatives are chosen based on performance and the highest value is alternative II at 97.16% and 0.45.Focus on the using of new tools is at the baking station, the using of new tools at the baking station has decreased work time, it will have an impact on more productive production results, the time ratio is 60 minutes.Productivity in the using of new tools show an increase in productivity each input, that is material productivity increased from 5.88% to 6.11%. Labor productivity increased from 3.69% to 6.40%. Electrical energy productivity also increased from 7.38% to 11.5%.Keyword : Value Engineering, performance, productivity
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