Existing Drying conditionsof Jengkol crackers is used natural sunlight. This can not be done in rainy season. This research aims are implementing artificial drying system by using oven. It's proposed to minimize the length of the drying time process. The aim is to find out the current drying process of jengkol crackers as a basis for formulating ideal drying process indicators. To get the optimum setting of the dryer in various conditions, it can be seen from the controlled factors including the temperature of the appliance , the drying time and uncontrolled factors (ambient temperature and water humidity) with the standard of raw cracker water content 9.91-14%. The data obtained from the drying process of jengkol crackers is the data of raw cracker moisture content. By including controlled factors including the temperature of the appliance and the drying time and uncontrolled factors of ambient temperature and water humidity. The method used is the Taguchi method with the calculation of signal to noise ratio and ANOVA done with the software Minitab 15. And get the final result with an optimum value of level 1 with the temperature of the tool with a value of 12.49% water content and drying time with a value of 12.59% water content . This value is taken from the lowest value of the calculation of the signal to noise
Keywords:Taguchi experiment, the controlled Factors and factor Analysis uncontrollably, sigal to noise ratio, ANOVA Analysis.
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