Scheduling represent one of the activity that including in production, planning, and control. Almost can be ascertained every industrial activity need a good scheduling Yoesani Shoes is one of manufacturing company in making of shoe for the man, woman, and children. At the time when this research was done there are increase demand for some product type, whereas condition of company have limitation of resource (machine). To satisfy consumer in case of time for finishing produk needed a good scheduling that can give a good schedule that can minimize the total time for finishing job (makespan). At this research is talking about flow shop scheduling. There are many method that used to finish the scheduling problems n job machine, one of them is NEH (NAWAZ ENSCORE HAM) Algorithm. NEH Algorithm gift simplifier step for seeking solution without make total enumeration. At this research will be done scheduling of jobs for 6 job 8 machine problems. Result of scheduling by using Algorithm of NEH for problems 6 job 8 machine is J2-J3-J1-J5-J6-J4 with value of makespan equal to 19.915 minute.
Keyword: Scheduling, Yoesani, Shoes
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