Balado Bintang Jaya Chips 4x7 is a center for souvenirs in the city of Padang. This study examines packaging improvement in the Balado Bintang Jaya Chips 4x7 business with the Kansei Engineering method. Background researchers conducted this study to improve balado chips packaging where in the previous packaging there was a leak in balado chips plastic packaging. The process of collecting and processing data by distributing open questionnaires to 30 respondents who had bought balado chips to get the Kansei word. The results of the Kansei word can amount to 14 Kansei words. From the results of the open questionnaire it was then used to make the questionnaire closed and distributed to 50 respondents. Then processing using SPSS software. Processing carried out using SPS soft ware, namely Validity Test, Reliability Test, KMO Test and Bartel Anti Image Matrice Test and Test. The results of processing data using SPSS software are directly applied to the new packaging. Then compare the old packaging with the new one to find out the difference in the packaging.
Keywords: Kansei Words, SPSS Software, Test Validity Test Reliability, Test KMO, Bartel Test, Test Anti Image Matrice
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