Sakura is traditional cake UMKM in Cangkiang, West Sumatera. At this time, UMKM have cake molding tools and non ergonomic work system. In this production process, the using of non-ergonomic tools can harm the workers, besides the operation of the tool must also have special skills. Based on this existing condition, this research try to develope that moulding and work facilities. The proposal has advantages and disadvantages. From the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed tool, it is necessary to develope a value engineering approach. Value engineering starts with the information, creative, analysis, development and recommendations stages. In this research, there were six alternative cake molds and work facility. From the development stage, there are second alternatives as selected alternatives with a value of 0.45.The second alternative has a specification that is using aluminum material, driven by using an electric motor, has an pedestal electric and zinc, and seats are lined with foam.
Keywords : Value Engineering, moulding, Cangkiang
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