Bank X is a government-owned bank and a branch located in Siteba. Its strategic location causes many customers to come to the bank to conduct various financial transactions. The length of the queue and the long waiting time cause the customer to become bored because of the long queue. This research was conducted for 5 days with a time of 8 hours each day and only conducted at the teller. The number of facilities provided is 3 tellers, a job desk for each teller that is serving customers such as saving, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, checks or demand deposits and others. Based on that problems the purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the queuing system at Bank X and the minimization of customer waiting time using Promodel simulation. The method used in this research is queuing and system simulation using the promodel software. Average Waiting Time in the real condition is 1632.274 seconds, for improvement 1 (Teller rests alternately) the value of average waiting time is 1679.449 seconds and improvement 2 (Added 1 teller) the average time waiting value is 966,016 seconds. Selected is the proposed improvement 2 with a decrease in average time waiting by 40%.
Keywords: Queue system of bank, simulation, promodel software.
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