UMKM Jengkol Malin Crackers is an effort to make jengkol crackers in the city of Padang. Drying jengkol crackers with the current conditions still uses sunlight. The problems that exist in these UMKM include the age of old equipment, materials that have begun to be brittle and damaged, tools that cannot adopt environmental conditions and lack of function on the drying site. Then the design of the tool to place the jengkol cracker is carried out with the aim to speed up the drying process and improve the durability of the tool. The method used to design this tool is the Taguchi method. The stages of this method are the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the redesign, the determination of the variable, the determination of the number of levels, the selection of orthogonal arrays and the selection of alternative. From the design stage, the alternative results obtained with frame material made of aluminum, the drying container made of paranet material and the size used is 4 x 1 m. The price of making this product is Rp. 1,848,000.00.
Key Word : Drying place, taguchi, orthogonal array, alternative results, price.
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