This research implements the 5S concept study (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke in the existing warehouse on CV. Dragon Image. Implementation of the 5S concept is in the form of facility layout design in the material warehouse in CV. Dragon Dragon. CV. Citra Dragon is an industry When the establishment of this company only has a few assets in the form of a vise and a set of other workshop tools, the condition of the warehouse should be considered well, because in the warehouse there are a lot of equipment to be used Good condition of the warehouse will reduce non-value added activities such as search the equipment needed, then optimizing the warehouse space by doing the right arrangement at the storage location.This research is carried out in order to eliminate the waste of motion that occurs when the work is done.If this problem is left it will make a large loss impact for the company's future going forward. obtained from the data collection must be relevant to the subject matter of the study. Dissemination must be carried out for all parties that play a role in the warehouse, then conducted an initial check using the 5S audit form, making the 5S organizational structure so that each person and each division has responsibility for this culture, and making improvement plans. In the research, it was found that the material was mixed with components that were not in accordance with the type and function, causing waste of motion in the CV. Mitra Dragon warehouse. With the aim of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the work done, a comparison is made before and after implementation using a promodel simulation. At the end of the study, after the promodel simulation was done, it was eliminated when searching and taking material in the warehouse. With a total search time for concrete iron from 3224.62 minutes to 2633.99 minutes, round iron from 3129.61 minutes to 2212.67 minutes, pipe iron from 2778.95 minutes to 2222.45 minutes, plate iron from 2633.54 minutes to 2155.81 minutes and iron strips from 2579.31 minutes to 2127.25 minutes
Key Word : 5S, Waste, Waste of Motion, Promodel, Simulation
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