PT. Prima Teknik Baru is a company engaged in the workshop (work shop) such as turning, welding, lemer block and slip kruck as. From the results of the assessment of Waste identification using waste workshop on the Lemer Block Machine, Cranksaft Grinding Machine and Pangkuan Asplat Machine, the highest waste is unnecessary motion. This causes the set-up time on each machine to be longer due to waste of operator movement. The purpose of this study is to reduce the set-up time so as to increase the effectiveness of the usethe machine and provide suggestions for improvementsin an effort to reduce the set-up time, reducing the set-up time can be done using the SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) method. SMED is one of the improvment methods of lean manufacturing that is used to speed up the time needed to set-up the turnover of producing one type of product to another product model. The SMED method separates set-up activities into two, internal set-up is a set-up activity that is only performed when the machine stops while external set-up is a set-up activity that can be performed while the machine is running or operating. After converting the internal set-up to an external set-up, we get a comparison of the time before and after the set-up conversion on the Lemer Block machine. The set-up time before the activity conversion is 298.38 seconds after being converted to 296.96 seconds. Cranksaft Grinding Machine before the conversion of activity is 603.96 seconds after conversion to 443.48 seconds. Asplet Lap Machine before the conversion of activity is 403.44 seconds after conversion to 342.96 seconds.
Keywords: SMED Method, internal set-up, external set-up
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