
  • Delfi Adelia Hasibuan
  • Dessi Mufti
  • Lestari Setiawati


The obstacle that is often encountered in the product distribution system is the phenomenon of the bullwhip effect, namely the expansion of variability or differences in demand from the lower level to the top level of the supply chain. Weakness of information flow and coordination in the supply chain often results in information distortion. Distortion of information between retailers to distributors and distributors to manufacturers which results in a product deficiency or excess that affects the product inventory costs. Next step is an evaluation of the losses on the bullwhip effect on the supply chain. The study was conducted at PT. Inti Sukses Sumatera is focused on calculating the bullwhip effect at the retailer level to distributors for eight types of products distributed at two retailers, namely the Padang City area and outside Padang City based on the bullwhip effect calculation based on the Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) calculation and analyzing product inventory costs. From the results of the study found a decrease in the value of the bullwhip effect with aggregation of demand for products and retailers (ω1) from the initial condition of 1.38 reduced to 0.2. The aggregation of demand for the product (ω2) from the initial condition 1.3 is reduced to 0.2. Aggregation of demand for retailers (ω3) initial conditions 1,009 reduced to 0.2. Aggregation of demand for echelon (ω3) initial conditions 1.1 is reduced to 0.2. Whereas the initial inventory cost of Rp 3,481,041,999 decreased to Rp 1,318,833,307,-.


Keywords: Supply Chain, Bullwhip Effect, Inventory.


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