Project schedulling that is one of activity on project planning as and when it suits their purpose and goals to.To making schedulle Project of Talang Permai Housing Type 45 has 9 main activities, they are footing, concreting, wall and framing, plastering, door and window`s work, roofing, flooring, painting, accoutrements work or electrical. Recently, these project of Talang Permai Housing has not yet comprehensive of project planning and schedulling. Therefore, there are need to making project schedulle to bring forward more optimum of project activity from delay. Purposse of this research is to identify housing project of characteristics including activities, time, and project resources, arrange the network planning, determine the fast completion time or critical path of the project and arrange a project implementation schedulle and project cost budget. Based on the purposse, to making of these project schedulle using CPM (Critical Path Method) and GERT (Graphical Evaluation Review Technique) method. Project schedulle using CPM start on Monday, 2019 June`10 and finish on Saturday, 2019 August`3 or the completion time is 48 days with total cost Rp.72.841.750,-. On GERT method, the project schedulle start on Monday, 2019 June`10 and finish on Tuesday, 2019 September`3 or the completion time is 70 days. To making these project schedulle of Talang Permai Haousing Type 45 using a software Microsoft project 2010 to be systematic and conceiv with tools of Gannt Chart and Network Diagram.
Key Word : Project Schedulling, CPM, GERT
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