
  • . Hidayat
  • Eva Suryani
  • Yesmizarti Muchtiar


                    Empat saudara yellow noodle business of four siblings is a company engaged in the production of yellow noodles. Based on preliminary observations at the empat saudara yellow noodle factory, several activities were seen that made it possible for waste to occur. This study aims to identify and minimize waste with the concept of lean manufacturing. Waste identification is done using a waste relationship matrix (WRM) and waste assessment questionnaire (WAQ). After identification and processing is complete, the resulting waste results are overproduction and defects. From these results, waste is made the root cause of waste using fishbone. The root cause of the fishbone is made based on observations and direct interviews with the company. Furthermore, the results of the root cause of the fishbone are made into a potential hazard to calculate the risk priority number (RPN) and the level of probability impact. After calculating the Probability impact, there is a high risk that is boiling too long, the weather is not hot, marketing is not good and production planning is not good. From the probability impact value is made an analysis and proposed improvements using 5w + 1h. the results of the proposal given were in the form of analysis and related forms needed by the yellow noodle business of empat saudara.

Keywords: Lean manufacturing, waste, minimizing waste


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