Packaging bananas using ordinary plastic wrappers is not good because it can reduce the quality of the taste of banana spices distributed area that has a fairly far range and requires a long time. Therefore we want to conduct research on current packaging and innovate existing packaging and redesign the current packaging so that the expected results of the design can make the banana sale last longer so that it can be distributed to various regions in Indonesia. To find out the shortcomings of the sale of banana products by distributing the questionnaire, especially to consumers who are familiar with the sale of banana products and consumers who are not familiar with banana sale products. To take respondent data using qualitative methods. Determination of needs is done by distributing the first questionnaire as many as 30 respondents to get a shortage of banana products sale and the desire of banana products to be sold in the future. Furthermore, a second questionnaire is distributed which can protect the product, aesthetics and practicality of banana sale products. The last was carried out by distributing the third questionnaire to choose products according to the wishes of consumers who have been designed so that the design results can reach the desired goals of consumers. To evaluate packaging design that aims to determine the design of packaging design using material, aesthetic and practical variables.
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