PT. Pelita Logam Service is a manufacturing company engaged in the metal and plastic industry with its main product being a battery cage. In its production system the company applies the concept of make to order, where each product will be produced if there is demand from consumers. The study was conducted in the production process of 4 types of products, namely mini battery cage, standard battery cage, floor inserts and cage boundaries. When carrying out the production process, the company experienced obstacles in meeting consumer demand. The first obstacle that occurs is the number of consumer demand so the company is forced to reject several requests that come and the second obstacle is the delay in product completion. This is because the company has not yet determined the available production capacity. Therefore the study was conducted to calculate the capacity available and the capacity needed to produce all types of products. To calculate RCCP (Rought Cut Capacity Planning) the CPOF (Capacity Planning Overall Factor) method is used. Based on the results of these calculations, the results obtained are the capacity needed is much higher than the available capacity. The capacity needed by the company is 43,234.37 hours / month while the available capacity owned by the company is only 6729 hours / month. From the results above, the capacity available at the company is only able to meet 15.56% of the required capacity.
Keywords: Production capacity, RCCP (Rought Cut Capacity Planning), CPOF (Capacity Planning Overall Factor)
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