UD. Deni Furniture is a home industry which is engaged in furniture and household furniture. The main raw material used by this company is wood. From these raw materials, the company can produce various types of furniture industry products such as cabinets, chairs, tables, beds. So far, the company purchases raw materials based on only the previous purchases, which are take 2 to 3 times a week and is usually done when the inventory in the warehouse is almost finish. It still often causes excess or shortage of raw material stock which can cause increasing costs and obstruction of the production process to meet consumer demand. UD. Deni Furniture uses, Make to Order production system that is working on furniture production if there is an order from the consumer. So the availability of material stock is very important on the smooth production process. Therefore we need an inventory control system that is expected to meet the needs of raw materials that be done appropriately and imitation of the cost of supplies can be determined as optimal as possible, namely through the application of MRP with a lot sizing technique used, namely the Lot For Lot (LFL) method, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Period Order Quantity (POQ). The lot sizing method of the total number of cabinet-forming components is the EOQ method, because it has the least cost compared to other method. With the costs obtained Rp. 68,700,000.
KeyWord : Inventory, Forecasting, Material Rquirement Planning (MRP)
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