Production scheduling is defined as the process of allocating existing sources or machines to carry out a set of tasks within a certain period of time. CV. Insan Jaya is a manufacturing company engaged in woodworking. Products made by the company are sills, doors and windows. The company is currently experiencing difficulties in fulfilling demand due to the absence of an effective work schedule. Therefore an appropriate work plan is prepared by conducting an effective work scheduling so that the completion of the work is as planned. The purpose of this study is to minimize the total product completion time and calculate time performance based on idle time, flow time and mean flow time. Based on these objectives, scheduling is arranged using the Non Delay Algorithm and Heuristic Schedule Generation methods. The Non Delay Algorithm Method and Heuristic Schedule Generation were chosen to minimize machine idle time so as to minimize the mean flow time (mean flow time) and total turnaround time (makespan). Scheduling Non Delay Schedule Algorithm produces a makepan of 78 hours, idle time of 361 hours, flow time of 1998 hours and mean flow time of 439 hours while the Heuristic Schedule Generation method produces a makepan of 76 hours, idle time of 153 hours, flow time of 3385 hour and mean flow time are 751 hours.
Keywords: Job Shop, Heuristic Schedule Generation Method, Non Delay Schedule Algorithm Method, Makespan, Idle Time, Flow Time dan Mean Flow Time.
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