
  • Mutiara Assa’ Diyah
  • Yesmizarti Muchtiar
  • . Noviyarsi


        Lean thinking is an approach that is carried out to improve the quality and eliminate or reduce the waste that is in the production floor. This approach used to quick process production to minimaze waste in production floor. Waste to waste get on the production floor. Purposes of the reseach to identification waste in CV.Bunga Harau and give improve to minimaze waste. First identification waste in CV. Bunga Harau occur three waste waste taht isi motion, transportation and defect. Therefor  wanted to improve to minimize waste. Method used to achieve to goal by using PDCA. First identification to aware waste in floor production with make process activity mapping and quality filter mapping and  occur three types taht is motion, transportation and motion.  minimize transportation to repairing the work station, waste motion and waste defect to make work instructions. With the improvements made, the percentage of minimization for transportation waste is 11.35%, while for the motion motion an improvement is made in the inspection so that the percentage of minimization is 66.25% and to minimize waste defect make work instructions. After repairs tehere was chane in production speed. 

Key Words : Lean thinking, Failure mode and effect analysis, PDCA


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