CV. Haren is a manufacturing company which is engaged in printing. The uncertain time of order arrival becomes a problem in determining the appropriate due date. There are times when orders arrive when manay other orders are being worked on so determining the due date for orders must take into account the available time capacity as well as other orders that are in the queue. However, in its application the company has not determined the due date correctly, resulting in delays. When the due date set by the company does not match the workload, the completion of the order will be delayed. The amount of time available for scheduled orders also continues to decrease, so that delays in completing orders at a certain time will also cause delays for orders the next time. To solve this problem, we need a production scheduling system that can determine the order completion time in accordance with a predetermined schedule. By using visual basic methods can provide a program design that can calculate completion time and can make it easier to determine the time of completion of production. To make a program that suits your needs, it is necessary to do scheduling according to the FCFS (First Come First Served), SPT (Short Processing time), LPT (Long Processing time) and EDD (Earlist due date) rules to schedule the production process as needed. The results obtained are the SPT method as the chosen method because it has the lowest average completion time and is the most superior compared to other methods. The average completion time is 198.25 minutes with 45% utility and an average delay of -33.64 which can be interpreted as not resulting in a late job.
Keywords: Scheduling, Production Capacity, SPT (Short Processing time).
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