PT. Wahana Karya Biotek is a pure coconut oil processing company. Problems that occur at PT. Wahana Karya Biotek area warehouse are not well ordered, the lack of good management in the warehouse, difficult to find and retrieve goods in the warehouse area. This study aim to identify the level of 5S using 5S audit form and to arrange the purposed warehouse with the 5s concept. The next step is to find out the root cause of the problem in the warehouse area using fishbone diagram. Implementation of 5S in the warehouse area consist of several stages, the sequental stage of sorting the goods, the seiton stage arrange the warehouse area, the seiso stage which is to clean the warehouse area, the seiketsu stage of maintenance in the warehouse area, the shitsuke stage to maintain the warehouse area that well organized.
Keywords: 5S, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, Layout, Fishbone, PT. Wahana Karya Biotek
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