Occupation Health and safety (OHS) is a designed system to guarantee good safety for all people in the workplace so as not to cause injury and cause disease in the workplace by questioning or regulating on occupational safety and health, which is in accordance with the need for attitudes towards safety at workplace. This research is based on the production process of PT. Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Lembah Karet that has many potential hazard factors that cause work accidents or occupational diseases. Base on work accident data obtained from 2016 to 2018 at PT. Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Lembah Karet, it is seen that the numbers of work accidents are increase. Therefore, improvement efforts are needed to prevent such work accidents. One of the efforts that must be done is to apply HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control). HIRARC is a process used to overcome and limit potential hazards in the workplace and methods used to reduce identified hazards. pinched machine, iron approved head, the body part of the worker holding the jig, the skin wrinkled from holding the rubber washing water for too long and falling from the trolley. Expected Results of work accidents are made, for a scale such as level 3 that exists at all risks of work accidents that occur. Several scale is on the level 3 (medium) scale, which is also found in all activities in the wet and dry processes. In this work accident risk problem, there are two types of risk categories namely moderate and tolerable. There are 15 activities, that are consider to be moderate lending category and 11 activities that are consider being tolerable. Based on the results of making work accident challenges that have been made there are two potential hazards that occur due to noise and slipping due to slippery work locations. The controlling Efforts are by installing sound dampening equipment, put a sign in the work area and make the floor with a rough and tilted surface. It is expected that with the creation of this HIRARC, the company can prevent work accidents, so it can work safely , efficiently and the production process will also be smooth.
Keywords: Occupation Health and safety, HIRARC, PT. Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Lembah Karet
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Peraturan Menteri No. PER-05/MEN/1996 Tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor: 03/Men/1998.