                  Poor planning is a cause that influences the performance of a project implementation process. Based on the phenomena that occur in the implementation of the project the cause of a project failure is due to the large amount of waste found. To overcome this, the lean project management concept approach can be used to minimize the occurrence of waste and identify risks that may occur in the implementation of the project. The problems and objectives that are focused in this study are how to identify the causes of waste, identify risks, and determine strategies to minimize waste in the transmission tower manufacturing project at PT.Wijaya Karya Industri and Construction by applying the lean project management concept. In the implementation of the transmission tower project, there were some wastes that were found watting, unnecessary inventory, and excessive transportation. For the most influential risks after risk assessment using the FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) method, there are 3 of the most risky risks such as: the absence of a PIC that is responsible for handling supplier problems, suppliers cannot supply raw materials, and there is no land for save custody. The results of the scheduling by using the Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) method obtained during the construction of the transmission tower project for 98 working days.
Keywords: Project, Waste, Risks, Failure Mode Effect Analysis, Lean Project management
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