PT. Pelita Logam Service is a manufacturing company engaged in the metal and plastic industry with its main product being a battery enclosure. In its production system the company applies the concept of make to order, where each product will be produced if there is demand from consumers. The company uses 2 mm and 3 mm raw materials in the process of producing its products which, if managed properly and in accordance with company conditions, will support production activities properly. The obstacle faced by the company is the production process which sometimes stops temporarily due to the supply of raw materials which are stocked in small quantities so that raw materials are not available in storage warehouses. For that the company must plan the optimal amount of raw materials to control the supply of raw materials in the warehouse. To solve the problems that occur, the EOQ method is used to manage the raw material inventory system so that the production process and storage of raw materials can run smoothly. In addition, the use of the EOQ method can also save the cost of raw material inventory costs to be incurred by the company amounting to Rp 11,540,498. After the number of requests is planned, the results of the purchase quantity in one message for 2 mm raw materials are 70086.10 kg and 3 mm 122169.95 kg raw materials, with a frequency of purchasing 6 times in 1 year. The amount of safety stock that must be provided by the company for 2 mm raw material is 7681.25 kg and 3 mm 3148.91 kg of raw material. And the cost of raw material inventory that will be incurred by the company for the next 1 year is Rp 34,670,372.
Key Word: Raw Material Inventory, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), Raw Material Inventory Cost (Total Inventory Cost)
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