PT. Percetakan Harian Umum Padang is a company engaged in the field of press, namely in the field of print media, especially newspapers. In its production, this company still needs to improve the quality of newspaper products which are still experiencing many defects.This study aims to determine the factors causing the level of disability and provide suggestions for improvement. In the define stage, 5 types of defects were identified in the newspaper production process, namely unclear writing, unclear colors, non-printed writing, folded paper and italic writing. Based on the results of the Pareto diagram, the largest defect type is 31% less clear writing and the smallest is 14% slanted writing. Based on fishbone analysis and score or matrix calculation table results, there are 3 dominant CTQs that affect the defect, which are settings that are not quite right and lack of work instructions. In the analyze phase, the production quality ratio is 91.02% and the failure rate is 8.98% with a DPMO of 29.948 with a sigma value of 3.39, which means that it allows 29,948 damage or defects for a million production (DPMO).
Keywords: Six Sigma, CTQ, DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities)
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