The problem that often occurs in the balance of the track in a production line is the presence of material piling up (bottlenecks), high waiting times and idle operators due to uneven distribution of workloads. UD Dua Putri Jepara is one of the companies that experienced the problem. Line of balancing is done by using the region approach (RA) method that can optimize the value of the efficiency of production trails and simulations using a promodel software that can give an idea of differences in conditions before and after balancing. the results showed that by using the RA method the path efficiency value was 63.48%, the balance delay was 36.05% and the smoothing index was 12.29. Simulation results obtained the best scenario results, scenario 3 by increasing the number of operators at the station where the bottleneck occurs that can balance the division of operator workload and the utility value of the operators working at 74.74%Keywords: Line of Balancing, Bottleneck, Region Approach, Simulation
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