CV. AM Teknik is a manufacturing company engaged in the steel construction industry with a product focus on trellis. In its production system the company applies the concept make to order, where each product will be produced if there is demand from consumers. The study was conducted for 5 types of trellis products. The company experienced delays in the completion of consumer orders that have an impact on the loss of consumer confidence and declining corporate image. The number of jobs that are late based on the company's conventional calculation is 3 jobs. This is due to the absence of scheduling done by the company and the company only estimates the completion of a product produced. Therefore the research was conducted to schedule the production process carried out by the company in order to reduce the number of late jobs. The method used is improve Hodgson algorithm and CDS algorithm (Campbell, Dudek and Smith). Based on the calculation using the Hodgson algorithm improve method, the number of jobs that are late is 1 job with an average time delay of -23.3 hours and when using the CDS algorithm the results obtained are 8 jobs that are late with an average time delay of -2.02 hours . From the results of the comparison, the Hodgson algorithm improve method is better used in this case compared to the CDS algorithm method.
Key Word: Production Scheduling, Improve Hodgson Algorithm, CDS Algorithm (Campbell, Dudek and Smith)
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