PT. Lembah Karet is one of the manufacturing industries in Indonesia which is enganged in the production of crumb rubber. There are a lot of waste on the production process that increased production process time and manufacturing lead time. This study aims to identify waste, find the root cause of the problem, and proposed improvement using lean manufacturing concept to increase effucuency. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) method used the current state mapping of the production process to indentify waste. VSM found the biggest one was waiting that occurs in the rubber rolling process on 34,23 minute for one roll. The root cause of the problem on the winding process, which is too heavy and the load of one roll a hundred of pound, that can cause the operator slowly to complete their work. The proposed improvement to reduce waste problem with modify the rubber rollers by adding gears and chains to the rollers where the gears are mounted on the main shaft of rolling and near the handle then the chain connected to the two gears.
Keywords: Value Stream Mapping, Fishbone Diagram, Crumb Rubber, Lead Time
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