PT. AMP Plantation POM Agam unit is engaged in processing palm fruit, while the products produced are crude palm oil (CPO) and Kernel. Every company needs resources in carrying out its production process. Often these resources become less effective and efficient for various reasons. So that in production planning will cause problems and the benefits obtained by companies that will be less than optimal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of demand on Palm Kernel production at PT AMP Plantation's Agam POM unit. Data collection methods used are observation and documentation. Data analysis methods used are linear regression, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results showed a linear regression equation Y = 53,631,583 + 0.875X The regression equation that has been found can be used to make predictions (predictions) how individuals in the dependent variable (production) will occur if individuals in the independent variable (demand) are determined. Calculation of correlation with a value of 0.55 which means it has the power of relations in the medium category. Calculation of the coefficient of determination of the large influence of demand on production of 30.25% studied. Testing a significant hypothesis using a comparison of t arithmetic and t table yields a comparison of turns out the price of t arithmetic 2.4936 ≥ t table 2.22281, which means the relationship of the effect of demand on palm kernel production is significant. Efforts to increase demand using the 5W + 1H technique. The strategies implemented include increasing product quality, making promotional efforts, setting relevant product prices
Keywords : Demand, Production, Palm kernel
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