This study aims to determine the application of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) in PT. Mutiara Agam, which is based on the Occupational Safety and Health Management System. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of the study were 4 respondents namely 1 person from the Head of HRGA, 1 person from Ka. STN, 1 person, Ka. Factory and 1 worker. Data collection using questionnaires and cross-checked with documentation and interviews. Data analysis is presented in tabular form in the form of achievement score then categorized and described based on sub-indicators. Then the obstacles are obtained with the fishbone diagram method after which improvements are made to the 5W + 1H method. Based on the results of the study the achievement of indicators in the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System at PT. Mutiara Agam which is achieved 89.19% into the category of good, but in the application of OHS still needs improvement in the application of OHS in accordance with the K3 management system. Barriers that affect the application of SMK3 to the evaluation indicators are that there is no annual K3 evaluation and no annual written evaluation. On the commitment and policy of lack of coordinated planning and implementation of occupational safety and health in the company. In planning, there is a lack of identification of hazards that exist in the work area and do not have a period of time for OHS goals and programs in the company. In the application, there is no K3 team that specifically handles occupational safety and health, emergency equipment placement is not up to standard, there is no health service at the company, lack of facilities and services available in the work area, no P3K personnel and first aid kit not up to standard, there is a lack of supervision of the level of risk when carrying out work carried out work. Efforts made in overcoming obstacles are evaluating OHS periodically so that the application of SMK3 is continuously updated and minimizing the occurrence of work accidents in the company, making documents or files about OHS evaluation so that it is known what obstacles need to be repaired for later, always identifying hazards in each work area, specifically for the K3 team in handling work safety and health in the company and conducting OHS training for employees in the company, for health services in the company so that when there are work accidents or illnesses caused by work employees can be directly inspected or treated, complete the facilities and services that are in the work area, for first aid personnel and complete first aid kit according to standards, supervise the level of risk of workers while carrying out workers so that workers avoid work accidents, place emergency equipment according to standards so that in the event of a situation n emergency workers can respond immediately so that it does not get worse
Keywords: K3 Management System, fishbone diagram, 5W + 1H Method, accident prevention efforts
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