In today's increasingly competitive industry, every business person who wants to win competition in the industrial world will pay full attention to quality. One way to improve the competitiveness of production is by maintaining good product quality, in this case it appears that quality is always focused on consumers (customer focused quality), and services are provided to meet customer desires, because quality refers to everything that determines satisfaction customer, a new product can be said to be of good quality if it is in accordance with the wishes of the customer, can be put to good use, and produced in a good and right way. Cement is a substance used to glue stones, bricks, concrete blocks, and other building materials. The importance of cement quality is a determining factor in the competition for the cement industry in Indonesia. In its development, competition among cement producers has increased, from the large demand for cement, it is possible that there will be products that have shortages or do not meet existing standards. In cement products, there are materials that should meet certain standards in order to meet the existing quality for example the quality of raw materials and fuels that meet the standards. In general, there are three processes in making dry cement, namely Rawmill (grinding raw materials), in kilns (burning raw materials), in Cementmill (stirring or mixing materials and adding other materials for finishing the cement). And there is in the Coalmill (burning fuel for the kiln). There are three highest RPN values, at Rawmix 192 quality, finecoal quality 150, fire resistant stone 162
Keywords: Quality Standards, FMEA, RPN
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