
  • Megy Aidillova
  • Ayu Bidiawati
  • Dessi Mufti


This research was conducted due to the decrease in customers of chocolate changer drinks. This is proven by the fact that drinks experienced a decline in the number of beverage sales in the last 2 years (2017 -2019), with an average turnover of 20%. This drink is very good quality, tasty and very popular with the younger generation, but as time goes by turnover and the number of consumers does not increase and sales do not increase, this is due to increasingly fierce competition. The purpose of this study are: 1.) Determine the factors that influence customer satisfaction, 2.) To measure the level of customer / customer satisfaction, 3.) Determine the average value of the 5 dimensions of Service Quality both the level of satisfaction / perception (perception ) and the level of importance / expectation. The method used is the servqual (service quality) method. Factors that influence consumer satisfaction, especially in chocolate changer drinks are product quality, price, service quality, emotional factors, convenience in terms of financing, and others. The average value of the gap is negative, in fact -0.166. This means that chocolate changer can not provide services in accordance with consumer expectations.


Keywords: Consumer satisfaction, service quality, product quality


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