Perancangan Kompor Briket Biomassa Kulit Durian Berjaket Glasswool_Amanda
Biomass Briquette, Biomass Briquette Stove, stove efficiencyAbstract
Bio Briquette is a solid fuel made from a mixture of biomass. The use of briquettes that must be included with the use of a stove or stove of which type and size must be adjusted to the needs. The performance of the stove can be seen from the combustion of biomass briquette fuel against the printed briquette shape. From the tests that have been carried out, the efficiency of stoves with glass wool walls is 40%. Cylindrical bio briquette is better because the flame on the briquette is longer when compared to other forms.References
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Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Bung Hatta, UBH. Padang
Sari E, dkk. 2020. Desain and performance of mixed biomass briqueete stove form durian bark, coconut shell, and palm shell. IOP
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