Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Tebu untuk Menghasilkan Biohidrogen Menggunakan Kotoran Sapi sebagai Sumber Bakteri E.Coli _Rahmiati
limbah padat tebu, E. coli, Fermentasi, biohidrogenAbstract
Bagasse contains glucose and carbohydrates which can be used to produce hydrogen gas through anaerobic fermentation proses. The bacteria used in this fermentation process is Eschericia Coli contained in cow dung. This study aims to determine the optimal fermentation time and the comparison of the composition of the substrate, cow dung and water for the hydrogen gas production process. This research used 4 kind of substrate mass variation, that is 100gr: 200 gr: 300 gr: 400 gr. So that the ratioes of the raw material between bagasse, cow dung and water are 1:1:2 ; 2:1:2 ; 3:1:2 ; 4:1:2. Bagasse is first processed through a chemical pretreatment, namely deliginification using 6% NaOH solution at a temperature of 121 C for 5 hours so that cellulose and hemicellulose are obtained. Cellulose and hemicellulose in bagasse were hydrolyzed using 0,5 N HCl solution at a temperature of 121oC for 30 minutes. Glucose obtained from the hydrolysis proses is then fermented for 6 days on pH 7. The results of this study indicate that the most optimized hydrogen gas production is present in the ratio bagasse, cow dung and water is 4:1:2, which occurred on the 4 th day with a gas hydrogen yield of 69,407% (b/b) on bagasse.References
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