Drying Jengkol Crackers, Design, Taguchi.Abstract
UMKM bu tini's Jengkol crackers are located in the Padang Pariaman area, Kasang Village, Jorong Kampung Jambak. In the process of drying jengkol crackers carried out by Mrs. Tini's employee, one of the stages of making jengkol crackers is still done manually using sunlight. If the weather conditions are good, then the drying process for about 7 hours will get the best quality of jengkol crackers. This condition will not be achieved if the weather is unfavorable such as rain or cloudiness. Therefore, it is necessary to design a place for drying jengkol crackers to carry out the process of drying jengkol crackers when the weather is unfavorable. To provide optimal solutions to company problems, it can be done by making tool designs The robust design of the tool is resistant to hot weather conditions and can still function properly if placed in the house. The recommended alternative results after carrying out the stages of the design process for the jengkol cracker dryer are a combination of wood as a frame material, pranet as a drying container, a combination of mica as a box and a lamp as a drying tool. Key Word : Drying Jengkol Crackers, Design, Taguchi.References
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