Load electrical energy continues to grow each year. Due to the added overhead it is necessary to analyze the existing electrical system, customized with a safety rating, the size of introduction and installed power capacity. Gauges and limiting (APP) as a means of recording electrical energy and power strip, power previously installed more than one to serve some of the burden. Need to be analyzed to improve the efficiency of electrical systems. With the electrical system that has been analyzed, is expected to improve the reliability, security, efficiency and environmentally friendly. Campus electrical system IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang at first derencanakan to some buildings. But every year, there is the addition of the building and the electrical power drawn from the nearest building. So the conductor sizes, rating safety and electrical systems is not feasible. To avoid interference, and safe from electrical hazards, necessary rearrangement. Of the data installed power capacity 534 kVA with load factor of 60% then the power installed by electricity (electricity base rate) at 345 kVA, where capacities are categorized as (S3) with a capacity of 400 kVA distribution transformer substation using concrete. Distribution of the electrical system will be divided into 3 channels to serve load as many as 40 buildings. Channel cross section size used is A1 TC cable 3 x 70 + 1 x 50 mm2, 3 x 50 mm2, 3 x 35 + 1 x 50 mm2 and ground wires are used NA2XSEYBY 3x240 mm2.
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www .sutra kabel. Com / files / product / AAAC .pdf