Antibacterial,Soap SNI, Triclosan, GambirAbstract
Soap is a product that is needed by humans to clean the body from various impurities or germs and bacteria, especially such as now conditions that are still attacked by the covid-19outbreak. Based on the results of research on antibacterial soap products that are circulating today contains a variety of chemical active ingredients to kill bacterial germs, one of which is Triclosan or triclocarban, but antibacterial soaps containing triclosan adversely affect skin health because it can be absorbed by the skin so that it risks causing disorders such as dry and sensitive skin, disrupting hormones for brain growth and reproduction (U.S. FDA, 2008). In this study the active ingredients of antibacterial triclosan commonly used will be replaced with active ingredients that are safer and natural so that it is good for skin health by using gambir leaf extract. This research was conducted in the Chemical Industry Process Laboratory to make antibacterial Hand soap innovation with thin packaging of gambir leaf extract and determine the composition of the right material to use to produce Hand soap following SNI and safe for skin health. From data obtained the right composition of materials that is in the comparison of oil and alkali (NaOH), 5:1 produces soap with pH 8 and alkali-free produced 0.08% following SNI soap.References
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