Black soldier fly (BSF), Organic Waste, Maggot, Bioconversion, True Experimental Design and ObservationAbstract
One of the organic waste processing uses a bioconversion process from Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae or commonly called Maggot. This study aims to determine the total amount of waste produced from bioconversion and to determine the effect of the variable ratio of the amount of maggot on the degradation of organic waste media. The type of sample used is the waste of the Padang City Steba market. The research method uses the True Experimental Design method with the Observation Waste Reduction Index (WRI) and Specific Grow Rate (SGR). The study was initiated by inviting BSF flies to lay eggs in a fermentation medium and then hatching 1 gram of BSF eggs which were then incubated for 2-3 days. Analysis of the research was carried out when the maggots were 6 days old with the ratio of baby maggots A:50, B:80, and C:100 in 1000 grams of waste. The results showed that the total decomposed organic waste varied in each sample, namely the average total waste was 740 grams, 860 grams, and 910 grams. The best treatment was in treatment B (80 individuals) where the WRI value was 5.73%, which means that this ratio could degrade more than 50% of organic waste, and the SGR value reached the highest value of 89.47%, which means this figure is very profitable if the maggot produced want to be sold as animal feed.References
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Executive Summary