Making Sodium Lignosulfonate Surfactant From Palm Fiber-HESTI


  • HESTI HESTI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Amelia Amir Universitas Bung Hatta


fiber, lignin, surfactant, sulfonation, sodium lignosulphonate


Indonesia, as one of the largest producers of palm oil in the world, certainly experiences problems in handling palm oil waste such as palm fiber. Palm fiber is an industrial waste that has low economic value, but has a lignin content of 28.5% which has great potential as a raw material for surfactants. Sodium Lignosulfonate (NaLS) is a surfactant resulting from direct sulfonation. In the surfactant industry, it is used as a suspending agent, detergent, plasticizer, emulsifier. This research aims to determine the characteristics of the surfactant produced. Where in this study 2 variations were used, namely variations in cooking time (90, 120, 150 minutes) and NaHSO3 concentration (10%, 20%, 30%), then the characteristics of the surfactant were tested using FTIR-Spec pH, density, color, odor and solubility in water. From the research results, it was concluded that the surfactant produced was close to Aldrich's commercial surfactant with a pH of 7 and the highest surfactant content was obtained at a cooking time of 150 minutes and a concentration of 30%, so that the resulting surfactant met the characteristics of those sold on the market.


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