Fish is a food source that is widely consumed in the community and even overseas . In
addition to taste , the fish preferred because many health benefits for which mempuyai high
protein content compared to other sources of animal protein . However , the fish rapidly
decompose by bacteria and enzymes if left alone without any preservation process . The
process of preserving fish commonly done by drying , salting , pemindangan , curing and
cooling . That requires fish drying machine automatic and intelligent . Fuzzy logic system
provides a simple way to describe definite conclusions from vague information . Error and
change of error is the fuzzy logic control inputs . Fuzzy logic control will control the
temperature and weight of the drying chamber . Temperature disetting 32 º C - 90 º C , when
the temperature is less than the temperature setting of the microcontroller will govern the
heater and fan to ON , and when the temperature is large than the temperature setting of the
heater and the fan will be OFF the system will work in accordance with the fuzzy sets and
membership functions that have been assigned to determine the points to form a curve
according to the formula used to stop system when water levels were reduced by 75-85 % ,
the benefits of using this fish drying machine , drying to be accurate , fast and energy efficient
and be hygienic fish drying results without fear of bacteria in fish drying results , it will be
able to increase the capacity of fish dryers , generally for fishermen .