Ekstraksi Bunga Telang Dengan Metode Ultrasonic Batch Untuk Pewarna Alami-GEMILIA


  • Gemilia Ulri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Erti Prapurti Universitas Bung Hatta


Anthocyanins, Telang Flower, Solvent, Extraction Time


Telang flowers have a high anthocyanin content, so there are various preparations made from telang flowers. Anthocyanins can be extracted by maceration or ultrasonic bath. Anthocyanins are natural pigments that belong to the flavonoid group. This study aims to determine the optimum conditions for extracting telang flowers, where we compare the solvent between 5% acetic acid and 80% ethanol, and the extraction time. Then the determination of anthocyanin levels using the DPPH method with a spectrophotometer. The results of this study indicate that the anthocyanin yield in 80% ethanol solvent and 5% acetic acid at 60 minutes extraction time is higher than the extraction time of 90 minutes and 120 minutes, this is likely due to the long heating process so that damage to anthocyanins occurs.


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