
  • fahru Murdiono Universitas Bung Hatta
  • suryadimal Murdiono Universitas Bung Hatta


Comparing the oven dryer system and solar collector to produce better and hygienic primary fish drying. Knowing the temperature distribution in the Dryer room and the coefficient of transferring heat convection in the Dryer room. Getting the performance of the dryer with the oven system and solar collector. The first tool uses a traditional brick stove with dimensions of 1.2 x 1.7 m, wood and charcoal fuel, stainless steel wall material and the use of exhaust fans for air circulation, the heat transfer mode is only indoor convection. The second tool is a solar collector system. The average hourly variation of the dryer and ambient temperature was measured on a selected day on a different day of the month of measurement during both seasons. The heat transfer modes calculated were forced convection and radiation only. Drying is a traditional fish preservation method. Fresh fish contains up to 80% air and is a highly perishable material. When the moisture content is reduced to 25% (wb), pollutants cannot survive and autolytic activity is greatly reduced. Moisture loss Daily moisture loss, estimated as 𝑀L from Eq. However, to prevent mold growth during storage, the air content must be reduced to 15%. Tropical fish species can generally withstand temperatures of 45 to 50.8C before the protein undergoes denaturation or the preservation process begins. Temperature distribution on the collector plate, air flow, air in the smoking rack space. It can be seen that the air temperature on rack 1 is the highest, then the air temperature on rack 2 and the temperature of the collector plate number three is low. However, the air temperature entering the collector has the lowest. At 8.30 it can be seen that the air temperature is 29.24 C, the plate temperature is 33.2 C, the air temperature on rack 2 is 33.53 C and the air temperature on rack 1 is the highest at 34.2 C. While in the afternoon at 16.00 the air temperature is 32.6 C, the plate temperature is 52.6 C, the air temperature on rack 2 is 58.6 C and the air temperature on rack 1 is the highest at 61.3 C. The large percentage increase is caused by the increasing intensity of the sun, namely from the study 66.6 The intensity of the sun increases from 08.30, namely 310.4 W/mC until 14.00 reached 643.7 W/m2 and from 14.00 to 16.00 there was a decrease in intensity. At 16.00 it dropped again to 494.62 W/m2. From 8.30 to 14.00 WIB the increase in radiation intensity was 66.6% and there was another decrease in solar intensity of 22.91%.


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