Implementasi Sistem Informasi Pemerintahan Berbasis Web di Nagari Bukik Batabuah
Information System, Government Digitalization, e-Government, Laravel, WaterfallAbstract
Advances in information technology have had a significant impact on various aspects of life, including in the government system. Digitalizing of public services or e-government is a strategic step to improve service efficiency and transparency. This research aims to develop a web-based government information system in Nagari Bukik Batabuah using the Laravel framework. This system is designed to integrate various government services in one digital platform to speed up administration, increase transparency, and expand access to information for the community. The research method applied is Waterfall which includes the stages of analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The results showed that this system is able to manage population data, public services, and promotion of nagari potential effectively. Tests using Black Box Testing and System Usability Scale (SUS) methods show that the system has a high level of reliability and ease of use.References
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