PT Semen Padang is the oldest cement manufacturer and has its own bag factory. In the manufacture of pasted type using two types of machine that is machine cut to produce semi-finished bags and produce bags so bottomer machine. There are 7 production floor waste one of them is defective product due to exhaustion of glue in the tank during the ongoing production process. To overcome these problems by using a tool made the concept of Poka Yoke. With the goal of keeping waste and product defects that occur can be minimized. The production process runs continuously. For it before the result of the design tool applied to the production floor, made a placement design simulation tool. Results of running simulations alternative models with the addition glue tank locations and entities within an interval of one hour total exit is obtained in the form of the bag so the bag 11,468. Total exit resulting in an alternative simulation models differ as much as 88 bags with normal running simulations on the initial layout as many as 11,556. This is what causes the bag that is in the process are not affixed with glue to produce a defective product. From the condition above shows that the location of the tank is chosen as thelocation placement tool with the concept of poka yoke is true.
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