Metal casting is a manufacturing process that uses liquid metal and molds to produce parts with a shape approaching the final geometry of the desired finished product , this modern era, the heavy use of brass in daily life both in households and industry will make brass metal waste more and more, and if it is not handled quickly then this waste will have a negative effect on the environment, based on the above issues then conducted a field survey to find solutions to these problems, so on to get the data for the design of a product that can be overcome goods that have high sales value, in testing conducted for the preparation of the test sample as follows, wax pattern mold making process, the process of making the wax pattern, the application of the mold by using clay, the former in molten brass to melt at a temperature of 1200°C and then poured into mold which has a cavity corresponding to the desired shape, data retrieval is done by observing the effect of a layer of clay mold on investment as the product of casting mold temperature varied and varying the thickness of the mold. The research results obtained by visual observation and analysis, generate surface forms different products for example in the product with a thickness of 4 layers mold with mold temperature 278,5°C the front and back of the product experience and shrinkage cavity spots on the front, on the products with mold layer with a thickness of 5 mold temperature 373,3°C products and shrank a little rough on the front, while the rear section having a little specks cavity, the product with a thickness of 6 layer printed with product 315,7°C mold temperature slightly hollow spots on the front and on the back of shrinking, the product with 7 layers with a thickness mold mold temperature slightly product 245,8°C cavity spots on the front while the rear is declining.
Keywords : Investment Casting, Brass Metal Clay.