
  • Berli bardela .Putra teknik mesin univ bung hatta
  • Suryadimal suryadimal Suryadimal teknik mesin univ bung hatta
  • Burmawi Burmawi Koto teknik mesin univ bung hatta


To avoid produce more polutan, since year 1994 emerging with standaritation in environment area, one of the its solution is used equipments of absorber of sun energy to heat water. The research about water heater with solar energy have conducted many by  previous researcher, that is by using a plate absorber of solar energy. Absorber plate ( absorber) used to collect sun energy utilize to heat the water are influencing of efficiency absorbtion of heat to affect at the number of absorber heat by a collector solar. Water Heater with solar energy used plate absorber of wave, can improve absorbtion of heat solar energy. Intention Of " Eksperimental Study Water Heater Capacities 20 Litre Used Wave Plate Colektor Simple " The objective are want to know difference of higher level water temperature, want to know of researcher absorbert energy by collector and to know missing Solar Energy is environment. Intake of examination dates conducted at the (time) of weather of sun bringht or at the (time) of sun bringht, because it is ever greater weather of the sun, hence will be maximal progressively also result to be got. Its major effect of sun intensity for example : highest water temperature is 64 ° C at 14.15, this matter caused because sun intensity 446,90 W/m², energy which is is biggest to be permeated by collector of is 703,39 W, because at that moment sun light intensity 546,88 W/m², missing energi to environment at most is 71,75 W, because at that moment sun intensity 466,90W/m² and pursuant to from result of examination, missing fewest energy to environment is 3,60 W, because at that moment sun light intensity 430,3 W/ m². Is for that suggested in conducting examination in expecting at weather which is bringht, because with weather which is bringht  of sun bringht , hence will be got by result of maximal examination. In getting result of examination expected conduct taking of date by repeatedly so that to be getting accurate date.

Author Biographies

Berli bardela .Putra, teknik mesin univ bung hatta

teknik mesin univ bung hatta

Suryadimal suryadimal Suryadimal, teknik mesin univ bung hatta

teknik mesin univ bung hatta

Burmawi Burmawi Koto, teknik mesin univ bung hatta

teknik mesin univ bung hatta




