PENGARUH ARUS INDUKSI GEOMAGNETIK TERHADAP KINERJA TRANSFORMATOR DISTRIBUSI (Analisis Gardu Distribusi kampus 1, kampus 2 dan kampus 3 Universitas Bung Hatta)


  • Aldino Febri Irdiyawan


 Arus Induksi Geomagnetik (GIC) terbentuk karena adanya variasi arus ionosfer yang mengalir dipermukaan bumi saat pancaran panas matahari pagi. Dampak dari variasi arus ionosfer adalah terbentuknya medan magnet induksi dipermukaan tanah. Arus yang terjadi akibat adanya beda potensial dipermukaan bumi yang dinamakan earth surface potential (ESP). ESP ini bertindak sebagai sumber tegangan yang berlaku diantara grounding netral transformator. Arus induksi geomagnetik melewati grounding netral pada transformator yang selanjutnya mempengaruhi kinerja dari transformator
. Dari pengaruh arus induksi geomagnetik tadi kita dapat menghitung efisensi dari suatu transformator apa dampak yang ditimbulkannya. Dalam perhitungan efisiensi dan losses yang terjadi akibat  ketidakseimbangan beban transformator (rugirugi),

dari penggabungan nilai losses  P
, P
 dan P
terjadi penurunan efisiensi kemampuan dari transformator.
Kata Kunci : Arus Induksi Geomagnetik (GIC), efisiensi
ABSTRACT Geomagnetic Induction currents (GIC) formed due to variations in the ionosphere currents flowing on
the surface of the earth when the morning sun beam. The impact of the current variation of the ionosphere is the formation of induced magnetic field on the surface of the ground. Flow that occurs due to the potential difference on the surface of the earth is called earth surface potential (ESP). ESP is to act as a voltage source that applies between the neutral grounding transformer. Geomagnetic induced currents passing through the neutral grounding transformer which in turn affects the performance of the transformer. From the influence of geomagnetic induced currents before we can calculate the efficiency of a transformer what its impacts. In the calculation of the efficiency and losses caused by the transformer load imbalance (loss), of the merger of the value of losses PN, PG and PCU decreased efficiency capabilities of the transformer. The current transformer condition without being influenced by the Geomagnetic Induction average value of the first transformer efficiency unbalanced load without being influenced GIC reduced by an unbalanced load affected GIC there is a difference of 0.031%.transformer II unbalanced load without being influenced GIC reduced by an unbalanced load there is a difference dipengaruh GIC 0.028%. Trasformator III unbalanced load without influence GIC reduced by an unbalanced load without influence there is a difference GIC 0.074%.
 Keywords: Geomagnetic Induction currents (GIC), the neutral grounding transformer
Universitas Bung Hatta Teknik Elektro Aldino Febri Irdiyawan


