
  • Ragil Okta Wariza
  • ayu Bidiawati JR
  • yesmizarti muchtiar


In design of the tools so important to develop products that fit needed and desires of operator. The design of brick-making tools and ring wells were made based on the dimensions of the shape, size, material usage, costs and quality. To view of thoughness and reliability of the products are designed to do application of value engineering. This aplication  has done in several phases: information, creative stage, an analysis stage, the development stage and the stage of recommendation. the results of this research showed that the an analysis function based on the level of comfort and convenience operator using FAST diagram. The development of ideas obtained 4 alternatives according to the criteria specified. The weighting of criteria uses analytical hirarchy process (AHP) method with the results of the consistency ratio (CR) of 0.0764. Selection of alternative views based on performance and the highest value, the second alternative of 98.92% and 0.77.


Keywords: Value engineering, criteria, alternative, performance value


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