Increased use of plastics for household impact on improving landfill waste plastic. Since it was first discovered in 1907, the use of plastic and goods made of plastic is increasing. Increased use of plastic is a consequence of the development of technology, industry and also the number of the population. Therefore, the processing of plastic waste into the fuel oil needs to be developed in daily life as well as area. The research methodology that has been done is to eksperimental which use waste that has dicercah, amounting to one thousand grams weighed and put into the reactor. In such reactors supplied heat until it reaches a temperature of 300-500 ° C, which causes a phase change from vapor to liquid, then housed in a measuring cup and the process performed within 60 minutes with varying colors namely red, yellow and black. From the testing that was done then obtained performance of a good test that plastic garbage HDPE (bottles of oil) is black with a mass of trash in
1000 gr produce oil as much as 600 grams or 40%, while on the type of plastic waste HDPE (bottles of oil) is red with a mass of 1000 g garbage generate as much as 540 grams of oil, or 54%, and on the type of waste HDPE (bottles of oil) is yellow with a mass of 1000 g garbage produce oil as much as 560 grams or 56%.
Keywords: waste plastic, HDPE