Pembuatan Biogas Dari SampahOrganikDenganMenggunakan Starter Lumpur Sawah


  • Deni Hidayat
  • Desti Nola utri
  • Pasymi .
  • Elly Desni Rahman




Cases of environmental pollution which are prevalent today due to the waste produced from various industrial activities, domestic and household. Lack of waste handling and processing of negative impact to the surrounding environment, among other things resulted in the destruction of soil biota, water and air pollution as well as lead to a worsening of existing health peoples environment around the waste. Besides the economic crisis is also one of the main problems of the most difficult in recent years due to the scarcity of soaring fuel prices caused the industry to pay higher operational for fuel purposes. Besides, the government and households also incurred costs higher to meet the needs of energy or fuel. The problems above can be solved by applying the actual bioprocess technology which is basically the result of the anaerobic fermentation of organic substances which produce methane gas, or better known as biogas. Likewise with garbage fermentation of organic like vegetables. This is due to lack of nutrients necessary for their own organic waste containing nutritional ingredients that can increase effectivity need for anaerobic process. So in this study the author tries to produce biogas from mixing mud fields and organic waste. This study was conducted aiming to assess the processing of organic waste into fuel gas (biogas) and determine the weight gain of biogas based on the observations that have been made, it can be concluded that the comparison of mud and yeast as variable variables will determine the amount of biogas volume highs were in the comparison of the mud many with yeast that is in the fermenter 1 with a pH of 6.1 to produce biogas volume of 1.51 gr.

Keywords: Biogas, Time Fermentation,


