The work of making casting pilepotentially create a risk of muscle injury to the worker. Potential of risk will be even greater along with the length of time worked and high intensity of work, therefore to continue to improve the performance of the workers then should be strived to reduce variety of factors which can create a risk of muscle injury. This study aims to identify risk of MSDs, analyze of operator work posture with data collection conducted by distributing questionnaires in 50 respondents which results are processed by SPSS test V16 and the result 87% identified MSDs muscle injury, to analyze work posture with REBA method and obtained total score 9 which promptly carried out repairs as soon as possible work posture, to analyze repairing of work posture use an anthropometric to obtain an ergonomic working postures. The result of this study suggest that do a repairing of work posture as soon as possible to reduce the occurrence of MSDs (muskuloskeletal disorders) muscle injury.
Keyword: Casting Pile, Musculoskeletal Disorders, REBA
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